When you purchase a highchair for your toddler, you certainly do not expect that the product will collapse when you put your child in it. When you buy an oven to cook your family’s meals, nothing would make you think that oven could suddenly spark a fire. Unfortunately, dangerous and defective products cause injuries to unsuspecting consumers every day.
If you are recovering from injuries you experienced after using a dangerous product or you lost your loved one due to a defective product, an Albuquerque product liability lawyer could help you obtain compensation for your losses. Call a personal injury attorney to understand your legal rights.
Product liability lawsuits involve a subset of personal injury claims. Manufacturers have a duty to design, produce, and sell products that are as reasonably safe as possible for their intended purpose. Products should not be unnecessarily unsafe. Manufacturers should take steps to ensure their products are not hazardous to consumers. If a consumer obtains a product that is dangerous or defective and that product causes them to experience injuries, they have the right to file a lawsuit seeking damages.
A skilled attorney from Albuquerque has successfully helped consumers who have experienced harm due to unsafe products. Our legal team has a proven track record of successfully assisting injured consumers in getting the justice they need.
To be successful in a legal claim involving a defective or dangerous product, the injured consumer needs to determine what caused the product to be unsafe.
All products must have safe designs. Product designers should ensure their products work as they are supposed to and do not pose any risks to consumers. Companies should subject prototypes of their proposed designs to a rigorous testing process to ensure their products will be safe. If a company fails to subject its product to testing or tries to hide the results of those tests, it could be liable for any injuries experienced by consumers who use that dangerous product.
Claims involving design defects often result in large-scale class-action lawsuits because products with design defects affect an entire product line. Regardless of how safe the manufacturing process of a product is, if the product’s initial design is inherently defective, every product made pursuant to that design could be defective.
Companies have a duty to ensure their production processes adhere to quality standards. Manufacturing defects involve cases where a product’s initial design is safe, but a problem occurred during the manufacturing process that made the resulting product unsafe. If a company deviates from the original, safe design, such as by using an inferior building material, a manufacturing defect can occur. These types of defects do not affect every product built pursuant to the design, but they can affect every product built according to the defective manufacturing process.
Companies that sell products have a duty to ensure they give clear directions to consumers on how to safely operate their products. In their operating instructions, companies should also include sufficient warnings about possible dangers that could occur during the usage of the product. Marketing defects are also known as failure to warn defects and can affect an entire product line.
A skilled Albuquerque lawyer could carefully examine the evidence, including product manufacturing and design records, to determine what kind of defect the product had or who bears legal liability for that defect.
Products that make their way into the hands of consumers should be safe. When something goes wrong during the design, manufacturing, or marketing of a product, the responsible party should be held accountable for any resulting injuries.
If you experienced an injury after using a dangerous product, talk to a knowledgeable Albuquerque product liability lawyer to review your legal options.