Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer

    When you are injured due to someone’s negligence, the last thing you want to be bothered with is the stress of dealing with medical bills and insurance companies. New Mexico Accident Firm will immediately begin working to ensure that you can focus on your recovery.

    Injuries negatively impact many areas of your life. You may be dealing with long-term treatment or disabilities, missing out on things you enjoyed before the injury, or loss of wages and an overall reduction in your quality of life. When you hire NMAF, we will immediately handle the details of your case and shield you from communication that can often seem overwhelming during your recovery. Being represented by an Albuquerque personal injury lawyer from Duran & McDonald early on can make all the difference in recovering what you are entitled to receive.

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    our areas of emphasis

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    Building a Personal Injury Claim Around Negligence

    Successfully suing someone else over a personal injury requires proving they are at fault for the injury under the legal theory of negligence. The defendant in a personal injury claim being sued by an injured person is considered negligent under state law if all the following conditions are met:

    • The defendant had an implicit or explicit duty of care that required them to act responsibly
    • The defendant breached their applicable duty through a specific reckless, careless, or illegal act
    • The defendant’s breach of duty was the main and direct cause of an accident that likely would not have occurred without that breach of duty
    • The accident was the main cause of at least one physical injury to the plaintiff requiring some form of professional medical care

    An Albuquerque personal injury attorney could help build a strong civil claim over various forms of negligence, from subpar property management resulting in a preventable slip and fall to motor vehicle crashes caused by traffic violations.

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    What Damages Could Be Factored into an Injury Claim?

    Someone found liable for a personal injury is also responsible for paying for every negative impact that injury will have on the injured person. These losses are often referred to as compensatory damages, and they can be further subdivided into economic and non-economic damages based on how their financial values are assessed during civil litigation.

    Economic damages are losses that can be assigned an objective financial value based on quantitative evidence such as invoices, receipts, bills, and pay stubs or tax returns. Most of the time, medical expenses form the bulk of economic damages sought through a personal injury claim. It can also be vital to account for things like expenses stemming from personal property damage, lost short-term work income, and lost long-term working and earning capacity.

    Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are subjective in nature and typically include losses that must be defined in qualitative terms, such as physical pain, psychological distress, and lost overall quality of life. A skilled lawyer could provide vital help identifying damages that should be incorporated into a personal injury lawsuit in Albuquerque and demanding a fair amount of compensation for each and every one of them.

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    Contact an Albuquerque Personal Injury Attorney Today

    Navigating a legal claim after being injured in an accident caused by another’s negligence is challenging. Let our Albuquerque personal injury lawyers help you through this difficult time. Many people who suffer injuries cannot afford the attorney fees necessary to pursue their case. In order to make legal representation available to those who otherwise could not afford it, NMAF provides contingency fee structures in personal injury cases where attorney fees are paid only after the client has recovered compensation. Call Duran & McDonald now to discuss your legal options with our team.

      phone (505) 924-2121

      address 219 Central Avenue NW, STE 201, Albuquerque, NM 87102