A serious injury to a child is a heartbreaking experience to manage as a parent or guardian. Your child’s medical care needs and future quality of life may hang in the balance as you try to recover from an incident. Our Albuquerque child injury lawyers are here to help hold liable parties accountable for their role in causing a child harm. Learn more about how different parties may have liability for a child’s injury depending on the cause and the steps our personal injury lawyers can take to pursue compensation on their behalf.
Many different events and circumstances can cause a child injury in Albuquerque. The age, intelligence, and maturity of a child can also make them extremely vulnerable and defenseless in certain cases, further increasing the potential for serious injury. For example, the following causes of child injury could establish the liability of a third party and make them responsible for incurred damages:
After becoming aware of a child’s injury, it is important to seek immediate medical treatment and notify law enforcement to report the cause if necessary. A local Albuquerque attorney experienced in child injury cases could advise on the steps to take after an incident and address common concerns for moving forward with a claim.
Liability for a child’s injury may not always be immediately evident in the aftermath of an incident and can be assigned to multiple parties depending on the facts. In general, a child injury lawyer in Albuquerque will look to the individuals directly involved in an incident in addition to others who may share in the liability because of their association with the cause of injury.
For example, a child injury from a car accident may establish liability for the driver but could also extend to a driver’s employer if the accident happened in the course of employment. Other common targets of liability for a child’s injury are the seller of a defective product or the owner of the property where the injury happened. A minor who causes injury to another child may also evoke the liability of that minor’s parents, depending on the circumstances.
After identifying the parties with liability, a child injury lawyer can file a civil lawsuit in Albuquerque to recover compensation for damages. Several types of relief are typically available in personal injury cases, including costs for past and future medical care, pain and suffering, and other losses. The amount of damages in a case will depend on the severity of the child’s injury and if it results in any long-term disability or care needs.
Our local firm is proud to serve the members of our community who suffer an injury because of the negligence, recklessness, or wrongful acts of another. The experience of our attorneys, paired with our local knowledge, gives us confidence in the ability to effectively meet the needs of our clients in their cases. Schedule a consultation with an Albuquerque child injury lawyer today.