Even if you ride your motorcycle responsibly and wear appropriate safety gear at all times, you are at constant risk of getting seriously hurt in a crash. Unfortunately, that risk comes mainly from the fact that many automobile drivers do not look out for motorcyclists the same way they do for people in cars. Even a minor mistake by someone in a sedan or SUV can lead to a collision with life-altering—if not life-threatening—consequences for a nearby motorcycle rider.
Just like people injured in traffic accidents involving only commuter cars, you have the right to seek help from a personal injury attorney and file suit if someone else’s negligence leads to you getting hurt in a motorcycle crash. If you want to effectively enforce that right and maximize your chances of obtaining the compensation you need, you need support from an experienced Albuquerque motorcycle accident lawyer who knows how to handle situations like yours.
Everyone who operates any kind of motor vehicle on public roads has the same duty of care requiring them to obey applicable traffic rules, pay attention to their surroundings, and generally act responsibly while driving. If an automobile driver breaches their duty and directly causes injury to a motorcyclist, they can be held legally liable for losses stemming from that injury under the legal theory of negligence.
Importantly, motorcyclists who get hurt in wrecks like this can have percentages of comparative fault assigned to them if they contributed to causing their own injuries through reckless or careless actions. A court overseeing their civil claim could reduce the total amount of money available to them by that same percentage. This is one of many legal obstacles a skilled Albuquerque attorney could help navigate around during a motorcycle accident lawsuit.
Legal counsel could also provide vital help with building and filing the strongest possible claim within three years of the date of a motorcycle wreck. New Mexico Statutes § 37-1-8 sets this filing deadline for most personal injury claims involving any kind of motor vehicle accident.
It is not always possible to wait until the full effects of a long-lasting injury become clear before filing suit over that injury, which can significantly complicate claims over wrecks, resulting in permanent and debilitating losses. Assistance from a knowledgeable motorcycle crash lawyer in Albuquerque can be even more crucial in situations like this. Legal counsel can help identify and estimate a fair financial value for expected future damages like long-term medical bills, lost working capacity, physical pain, and psychological distress.
Getting involved in a wreck while on your motorcycle is one of the most frightening experiences anyone can have on a public roadway. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most dangerous and impactful kinds of accident, both in terms of the injuries you may sustain and the financial losses those injuries may cause you in the future.
A seasoned Albuquerque motorcycle accident lawyer’s guidance could proactively handle the aftermath of your wreck and protect your long-term best interests. Call our local firm today to learn more.