When you go to your neighbor’s house for a backyard barbecue, you should not have to worry about needing to go to the emergency room after getting bitten by your neighbor’s dog. Similarly, when you go grocery shopping, you should not have to worry about slipping on a freshly mopped floor and breaking your wrist. If you experienced an injury on someone else’s property, you might be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for your losses. A seasoned Albuquerque premises liability lawyer could help you understand your legal options. Our personal injury attorneys are ready to support your claim.
Anyone who legally visits another person’s property, such as a guest, customer, client, tenant, repair worker, or mail delivery carrier, should expect that the property will not harm them. People who own, rent, manage, care for, or maintain property owe a duty of care to keep that premises in a reasonably safe condition for legal visitors. The duty of care to maintain a property does not generally extend to trespassers who illegally visit a property. However, if a child wanders onto someone else’s land and experiences harm due to an attractive nuisance, such as an unfenced swimming pool or outdoor trampoline, the property’s owner might be legally responsible for that child trespasser’s injuries.
If someone believes they might have viable grounds to pursue a premises liability lawsuit, they should consult with a knowledgeable Albuquerque attorney who could review the facts of their accident and help them determine if it is in their best interest to pursue a legal claim.
Property owners, landlords, tenants, business managers, and other caretakers should maintain their premises. The buildings and land on someone’s property should not have any hidden hazardous conditions on them that could cause an unsuspecting visitor to experience harm.
Some of the dangerous conditions that can lead to injuries are as follows:
An experienced legal team could help an injured individual determine what caused their injury and search for evidence to hold the property’s owner or caretaker legally responsible for failing to maintain their property. A trusted Albuquerque attorney could help an individual injured in a premises liability accident obtain the compensation they need.
Unexpected accidents on other people’s property can result in significant injuries. The people responsible for failing to adequately maintain the property where the accident occurred should also be responsible for paying for the cost of your injuries.
Contact a determined Albuquerque premises liability lawyer today to get started on the fight for your recovery.